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After School Activities Yield Great Benefits

After School Activities Yield Great Benefits

We see the trend growing more and more. Both parents are working until at least 5:00 pm, but our children are let out of school hours before then. As parents and caregivers, we find after school programs to send our younger children to with safety being our number one priority. Maybe they will be fed a light snack and have their homework finished by the time we pick them up. At least they are safe.

However, finding a safe after school program may not be enough to help our children. Our children sit in classroom chairs for the majority of their day and after we pick them up from their after school program, there just isn't much time for physical activity once dinner is made, homework is complete and chores are done. Finding an after school program with a physical activity focus can provide healthy, character building opportunities for our children teaching them problem-solving skills, teamwork, cooperation, and simply how to enjoy being active. 

More Benefits of After School Activities

Pivot Athletic Development provides program support to existing and new sport and athletic programs to help build and sustain quality programs.