
What is Pivot Athletic Development?

Pivot Athletic Development™ fosters a culture of health by developing healthy communities through sports and play. It is our purpose to be the primary athletic resource which provides premium programs of education, funding, facilities and equipment to fully meet the various youth sports and general fitness needs of our community.

We bridge the gap that undeniably exists between existing youth sports program providers and national/regional resources required to build and sustain quality sports programs. We believe that by providing these resources, we remove the barriers that prevent our youth from engaging in and sustaining healthy active lifestyles.

Our Philosophy

We believe that sport, activity and play has the uniquely powerful ability to help solve some of society's most challenging problems. Our efforts are part of a growing movement to utilize sport, physical activity and play to encourage health, employability, educational attainment and community cohesion. With the addition of our Character Counts, Academic Accountability, and Play it Forward Programs, we ensure that each participant understands their role in their own overall success and individual achievements.

Our Purpose

As business owners from a generation that will soon be handing the keys to our country over to the next generation, we want to see leaders with the fundamental skills that youth sports help develop to their greatest potential. Hard work, practice, perseverance, teamwork, understanding the importance of their role on a team, working with teammates (that you may or may not like) to reach a common goal, competition, defeat, taking instruction and having fun all contribute heavily to the building of these foundational skills.

As members of our community, we want to be an influential force which generates more youth sports opportunities; ones having a primary focus on developing not only individual sports-centric skills, but provides a foundation to becoming successful adults.

If we are going to ensure that all kids have the chance to grow up fit and strong, we must, among other efforts, eliminate the barriers to sports and play participation.

Pivot Athletic Development™ helps to eliminate these barriers for the youth in the Coachella Valley.

What Problem Do We Solve?

Successful communities are built by healthy, strong, individuals who value character, ethics, family and health. It starts with our children. However, the needs of most children through active engagement are not being met.

The Lack of Active, Healthy Communities
Fewer than half of children 6 to 11 meet the recommendation for engaging in at least 60 minutes of moderate physical activity per day. This number is even lower now than it was 8 years ago. Why? Several barriers keep children from the most desirable way to be active; through sports. Cost, transportation, convenience, time, access, lack of programs, and safety are just a few, but most importantly is the lack of importance American households place on physical activity, healthy eating choices and team sports. Without the support and agreement from the child's household, engagement falls drastically, leaving the structure of the child's daily activities barren of physical and active play.

In order to transform the way communities, businesses and families view the importance of sports, free play and healthy competition, The Aspen Institute has launched "Project Play," a playbook of strategies that communities can use to help every child become physically active through sports.

The problem here is that many communities do not have the resources to execute these strategies. The play book leaves our communities with great ideas, but without the proper resources, they are not achieving their goals. Pivot Athletic Development™ is the primary community resource available to execute these strategies by providing ongoing support to developmental sports, competitive sports, coaching staffs and individual athletes

How Does Pivot Athletic Development Support the Community?

We have 2 programs which help our existing youth sports programs thrive and sustain, empowers the community to work together, and breaks down the barriers that our youth face when participating in sports and play.
