Adolescents who play sports are eight times more likely to be active young adults.
Active young adults are more likely to become academically motivated adults.
Academically motivated adults are active lifetime learners.
Active lifetime learners raise adolescents who play sports.
The cycle starts today.

Pivot Athletic Development™ fosters a culture of health by developing healthy communities through sports and play.

It is our purpose to be the primary athletic resource providing premium programs of education, funding, facilities and equipment to meet the youth sports and general fitness needs of our community while bridging the gap which undeniably exists between program providers and national/regional resources.
We believe that by providing the resources required to build and sustain quality sports programs, we remove the barriers that prevent our youth from engaging in and sustaining healthy active lifestyles. Together we can build healthy, productive communities through sports and play.

Pivot Athletic Development makes every effort to remove financial, logistical, and educational barriers that keep children from participating in sports, play, and other healthy activities.

We have 2 active programs that help our community's existing youth sports programs thrive and sustain, empowers the community to work together, and break down the barriers that our youth face when participating in sports and play.

We believe that sport, activity, and play have the uniquely powerful ability to help solve some of society's most challenging problems. Our efforts are part of a growing movement to utilize sport, physical activity, and play to encourage health, employability, educational attainment, and community cohesion. 
If we are going to ensure that all kids have the chance to grow up fit and strong, we must, among other efforts, eliminate the barriers to sports participation.
Pivot Athletic Development™ helps to eliminate these barriers for the youth in the Coachella Valley.